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1419560kontrola cookiesTales Of Berseria Nový japonský televizní spot předvádí Magilou

Tales Of Berseria Nový japonský televizní spot předvádí Magilou

Příběhy Berseria is set to come out on August 18th, over in Japan this year for PS3 and PS4, which is literally a month away as of this writing. Looking over to the Western release, it will drop sometime next year for PS4 and PC. Accompanying the news of the game’s release date is the revealing of one new TV spot showcasing Magilou, who will be on Velvet’s team in the upcoming JRPG.

Like most games, we get to see some sneak peek gameplay mixed with cut-scenes before Příběhy Berseria drops for the public to consume. In this case, we get a TV spot showing off the mysterious woman who calls herself the “great sorceress” that goes by the name Magilou.

Kromě toho, příběhy games always lets players switch between characters; this version features the same function, too. This feature helps out in case one needs to focus on an enemy’s weakness that may turn the tides of a losing battle.

As of course, other characters received their TV spots, which were showcased recently. One of which revolved around Rokurou, while another showcased Laphichet. Both videos operate the same as the one below, revealing cut-scenes, in-game battle sequences and other features pertaining to that character.

You can watch the Japanese TV spot for the game below, which focuses on the character Magilou and some of her abilities. The video comes in courtesy of Bandai NamcoYouTube kanál.


Being a fan of the Tales of series, I’m wondering how this iteration will turn out and if it will be something worth playing. I hope it won’t be another game that has a lot of potential and doesn’t expand on it and falls flat in various ways. I guess we’ll have to wait next month for the Japanese version to see how it all turns out.

Příběhy Berseria is set to release next month on August 18th, over in Japan for PS3 and PS4. Looking over to the Western release, it is noted to come out sometime next year for PS4 and PC.

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