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1439100kontrola cookiesBeyond Despair nastaveno na první přístup na Steam letos v lednu

Beyond Despair nastaveno na první přístup na Steam letos v lednu

Yet another survival multiplayer game is set to hit Steam Early Access sometime this month. Publisher Heatherglade and developer PixelMate plan to release their horror game known as Za zoufalství pro PC.

Za zoufalství is like your typical entry on Steam Early Access that includes common features like crafting, building stuff, and trying to survive out in a dangerous wilderness place. The only difference that this game tries to separate itself from other indie sandbox games is that Za zoufalství seeks to be a fear inducing horror game.

Taking place on an island called Ansora — a place known for catastrophic activities — the island is hostile in nature and houses dangerous monsters that players must avoid to stay alive. Additionally the game sees players apart of a corporation named New Light, which the company aims to gather facts from the island for research, but leaves volunteers (or players) stranded in the process.

Both the official description and trailer sit below for you to look over, which the trailer comes in from Za zoufalstvíoficiální kanál.

“Multiplayer game in original universe full of despair, deaths, bloodthirsty creatures, anomalies and paranormal activity. Players can explore the world, take missions and follow main quest. Think you have survived?”


If you are the type that likes games similar to Přežití archy and other games that task players to hunt for resources, water and food, then Beyond Despair will likely be a game worth keeping an eye on. However it is worth noting that the game, when on launch, will release in an early Alpha stage during its Early Access phase. This means that a lot of problems will likely surface throughout one’s playthrough, and knowing games on Early Access they may or may not be squashed.

Anyways, more information can be found regarding this game by heading on over to Parní Early Access or beyonddespair.com.

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