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1416770kontrola cookiesHotline Miami 2: Editor chybných čísel je nyní k dispozici

Hotline Miami 2: Editor chybných čísel je nyní k dispozici

Need to make a level of carnage featuring bloodstained floors and heads waiting to be walloped by a psychopathic, mask-wearing vigilante? Well, Dennaton Games and Devolver Digital are here to satiate their blood lust with the brand new Hotline Miami 2: Špatné číslo level editor, coming to you fresh and clean from the Steam store like a fresh bag of unopened syringes arriving at a crack house.

blues noted that the game was recently updated and the level editor is available through the Steam Workshop.

The developers made the post over on the Hotline Miami 2 stránka obchodu, first notifying gamers that they can report any bugs they find and that they’ll be iterating the editor to make it as compatible as possible for as many users as possible. They also thank fans for their support, writing…

“Thank you so much for your patience and help over the extended development of the level editor. Without your passion, help, and feedback this would not have been possible. Now please go make Hotline Miami 3!”

The Steam Workshop is already being flooded with a number of brand new levels for Hotline Miami 2. There are even some campaign missions being released, with one of them called Parker vs 50 Blessings by Steam users Skunkrocker and Nekrocop. Those sound like the names of a 1980s heavy metal band and a 1980s synth-rock group. You can check out the campaign in the video below or subscribe to it on the Steam Workshop to start playing it for yourself.

One of the other cool mods is the remake of DOOM je first episode, Knee Deep In The Dead. Steam user FullOfFire explains on the Workshop page that some of the limitations of the level editor prevented him from fully making the OSUD levels the way they were intended to be, writing…

“The campaign hasn’t changed much, but some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t enemies (specifically most of the off-screeners and some random armed guards) were cut out and also a handful of missing edges were added. If it wasn’t for the 21 foes per floor limit though, I would’ve gone slightly different about this. Most of these levels break this new limit.”

You can grab the level editor for Hotline Miami 2 right now, or if you don’t have a copy of the game you can get it for 75% off the normal price during the Steam Summer Sale. For more info, feel free to check out the .

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