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1419610kontrola cookiesLawbreakers Trailer zdůrazňuje nástroje Enforcer

Lawbreakers Trailer zdůrazňuje nástroje Enforcer

Boss Key Productions released a new video highlighting the Enforcer class for the upcoming narušitelé zákona. The game is a fast-paced, first-person shooter. It attempts to recall the classic arena-style paradigm where players are tossed into fast and furious action against one another, using high-tech weapons and gadgets along the way.

The Enforcer class is available for both the good guys and the bad guys. The trailer showcases how the cops and robbers style dichotomy plays out between both sides. Check it out below.

Other than a change in aesthetic, the Enforcer class seems to be mostly the same across both divisions. The so-called good guys get the blue and black motif as if to represent the police force, where-as the baddies get a tan and brownish design.

The Enforcer class has a standard assault rifle along with a shoulder-mounted rocket cannon. They also have a sidearm pistol that they can whip out to clean house and blast down opponents.

narušitelé zákona is an exceptionally fast game, focusing a lot on quick kills and even quicker manipulation of the map and environment. There are gravity wells that players will be able to take advantage of, along with boosts and jetpacks.

If you’re interested in the game, you can look to participate in another one of the closed alpha sessions set to take place this weekend starting July 22nd. But the alpha test is only going to be viable for two days and it ends after July 23rd.

They’re gathering as much data as possible as they head toward the Early Access phase of narušitelé zákona later this year. They’ll be releasing additional trailers for the game, highlighting each of the character classes to give gamers an idea of what to expect from the title, not unlike Epic Games and their promotion of Vzor leading up toward open beta.

You can sign-up for the closed alpha tests for narušitelé zákona návštěvou oficiální webové stránky.

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