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1437070kontrola cookiesDouble Dragon 4 přichází na PS4, Steam 30. ledna

Double Dragon 4 přichází na PS4, Steam 30. ledna

An NES style remake of Double Dragon 4 is coming to PS4 and Steam starting January 30th, 2017. The remake will be a download-only digital release, featuring Jimmy and Billy Lee doing what they do best, beating up people and taking names.

The news comes courtesy of a teaser site over on the official Arc System Works Japanese website. The remake of Double Dragon 4 as an NES-style title is part of the 30th anniversary celebration of the Double Dragon franchise. They also released a brief teaser trailer to give gamers a look at what they’re doing for Double Dragon 4, Které si můžete prohlédnout níže.

The game will feature the basic story mode, a two-player co-op campaign mode and a special unlockable mode.

The game is themed after the NES games and not the actual SNES version of Double Dragon 4 známý jako Super dvojí drak or Návrat Double Dragon or Double Dragon: The Return.

What makes no sense is that a lot of people aren’t very aware of the SNES version of Double Dragon 4, and it would have been a great opportunity for Arc System Works to give gamers a taste of how good that game was. For those of you who don’t remember it, you can check out the video below from YouTube user arronmunroe, who did a full playthrough of the game.

Hands down, it’s the best Double Dragon game ever made. You had an awesome array of weapons at your disposal, from the bo staff to nun-chucks to some awesome punch and kick combos, including the ability to block and counter attacks and use some Van Damme-style kick maneuvers on opponents.

It’s a real shame that Arc System Works is picking up where the NES games left off and not where the SNES version left off. Anyway, you can look for Double Dragon 4 to launch on Steam and PS4 on January 30th, 2017.

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