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1440150kontrola cookiesDatum vydání Prey nastaveno na 5. května 2017 na PC, PS4, Xbox One

Datum vydání Prey nastaveno na 5. května 2017 na PC, PS4, Xbox One

The release date and the pre-order bonuses for Arkane Studios’ reboot of kořist has been set for May 5th, 2017. The game will be due out for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

In addition to announcing the release date, Arkane and Bethesda also announced the pre-order bonuses for the game, designated for those willing to take the risk and plunge head first into purchase before they actually play the game. The bonuses include a Margrave Shotgun and additional ammo plans, 3 Transtar Neuromods, 2 Medkits, 1 Recycler Shielding Chipset, and some starter fabrication materials.

I’m no fan of pre-ordering games or pre-order bonuses, but if you honestly can’t resist, you can pre-order the game from over on the official Prey website. You’ll need to designate your country, retailer and the system you plan to pre-order the game for.

Accompanying the pre-order news and release date is a new trailer for the game, featuring two minutes of solid gameplay.

The trailer shows off some of the new weapons, and it really seems to strike a vibe between Half-Life a Mrtvý prostor, but the talk of the town in the comment section was all about pre-order culture and how a lot of them hate it. Some people hated on the haters for hating pre-ordering, while others hated on the haters for hating people who hate pre-ordering. Rinse, repeat, ad nauseum.

Generally they haven’t actually showcased much of anything that really “wows!” you, but possessing objects could be a real game changer if it’s not limited to segmented black box scenarios. If it’s all emergent and a good portion of the game lets players really go wild with some of the abilities then it could end up being a true sleeper hit.

Můžete se podívat kořist to launch on May 5th, 2017 this spring.

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