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1439110kontrola cookiesUkázka upoutávky Freedom Planet 2 předvádí Milliny nové dovednosti

Ukázka upoutávky Freedom Planet 2 předvádí Milliny nové dovednosti

GalaxyTrail released a new trailer for Freedom Planet 2, the side-scrolling follow-up to their crowd-funded success, Planeta svobody. The trailer previews one of the playable characters in the game named Milla.

The trailer is two minutes long, giving you a look at how the gameplay operates and what some of Milla’s skills look like in Freedom Planet 2. The title is still heavy in development, but appears to be coming along quite nicely on the new and improved engine.

Milla isn’t quite as quick as Lilac, but she gets some gem powers instead. She’s able to create directional shields that can be used to reflect enemy projectile attacks back at her foes.

She also has the ability to show light projectiles at enemies, not unlike Iron Man’s repulsor rays.

Milla can also glide for a little bit, similar to a fusion between Tails and Knuckles. She also gets the added bonus of being able to use kung-fu against enemies in close quarters combat.

The Phantom Cube upgrade looks like it will play a very important role in how Milla will be able to overcome enemies, battle bosses and generally power through the levels. In the YouTube description they mention that it can be summoned by holding down the Guard button. Can also use to unleash charged attacks.

fanoušci Planeta svobody are excited about each of the playable characters in the game, but the general discussion on the YouTube page centered around whether or not Freedom Planet 2 would ever see the light of day on the Nintendo Spínač, which has become the hot topic of the week (and likely the forthcoming month leading up to its release). The developers will likely want to get the PC version finished up nice and neat before eying a console release.

Můžete sledovat vývoj Freedom Planet 2 by paying a kind visit to the game’s oficiální webové stránky.

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