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1439080kontrola cookiesVyhrajte válku, B-Movie RTS hledá hlasy na Greenlight

Vyhrajte válku, B-Movie RTS hledá hlasy na Greenlight

Indie devs Insane Unity submitted a new game to Steam Greenlight containing real-time strategy action. The B-movie or 1950 Sci-Fi-esque strategy game, Win That War, is currently seeking votes on the platform, and is set to release for PC during March.

Real-time strategy games can be fun if done correct. From the looks of it the game titled Vyhrát tu válku is looking quite nice to be a product debuting on Greenlight, but what matters most is how well the gameplay will be when the game releases.

Seeing how we have two months to go until Vyhrát tu válku drops (assuming it passes Greenlight), you can learn some of the RTS basics and what the devs seek to provide players with when the game debuts.

Vyhrát tu válku is a massive scale real-time strategy game that puts thousands of players at the heart of a single campaign. You can read the game’s description below.

„Vyhraj tu válku! je rozsáhlá strategická hra v reálném čase, která staví tisíce hráčů do srdce jediné kampaně nelítostného galaktického dobývání. Objevte nové planety. Rozvíjejte svůj arzenál. Snažte se být nejlepší, abyste rozšířili nadvládu vaší společnosti.“

The heart of the game experience is said to lie in the campaign that is a multiplayer online fiasco driven by player actions. The planet-sized maps can be conquered by the following groups shown below.

win that war3

This now leads us to the trailer and gameplay footage that is up for you to watch. The videos come in courtesy of Insane Unity.

The game is set to hold three game modes that consist of Solo, Multiplayer and MMO Campaign. The MMO Campaign mode adapts a persistent world that holds 1,000 players trying to conquer hundreds of territories and planets, which seems pretty cool.

You can either vote for this game by heading to Steam Greenlight, nebo se můžete dozvědět více o vývojářích kliknutím nahoru winthatwar.com.

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