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1443700kontrola cookiesSniper Ghost Warrior 3 odloženo na 25. dubna pro Xbox One, PS4, PC

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 odloženo na 25. dubna pro Xbox One, PS4, PC

Oznámila to společnost CI Games Sniper duchů bojovník 3 finally has a solid release date after suffering a minor delay. The game will now launch for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC starting April 25th.

Marek Tyminski, CEO of CI Games, commented in the press release about the delay, saying…

"My jsme neúnavně vytváří zcela nový Sniper duchů bojovník zkušenost odehrává v ambiciózně vytvořené otevřeného světa nový pro sérii," "I když je to nešťastné rozhodnutí odložit hru na jeden poslední čas, věříme, že tyto konečné změny budou mít za následek lepší zážitek pro hráče po celém světě na jeden den. Děkujeme vám za vaši trpělivost - víme, že čekání bude stát za to. "

The delay adds three additional weeks onto the development of the game, pushing it from out of the late March, early April region and into the late April window. The spring release was likely also due to the fact that it gives it a few more weeks of clearing from BioWare’s Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Even though some people have claimed that they won’t be supporting BioWare due to Mass Effect: Andromeda designer going on a racist tirade, there’s still going to be some people rushing out to support Electronic Arts due to Stockholm Syndrome, and others who will need to buy whatever it is that BioWare makes, and then there are those who still feel the Mass Effect name carries the same kind of weight it did five years ago.

Regardless, a few extra weeks of polish and space can’t hurt a niche first-person shooter like Sniper duchů bojovník 3. It’s crazy because a few years ago, back during 2008 through 2011, a military FPS would have been all the rage, but after military shooter bubble burst and a bunch of games and studios went bust, the military FPS sub-genre has dwindled greatly, with the exception of Bojiště a Call of Duty.

MOBA-style hero shooters are now all the rage thanks to Overwatch and its Rule34-worthy cast of characters.

Každopádně se můžeš podívat Sniper duchů bojovník 3 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One starting April 25th next month.

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