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1450570kontrola cookiesEmpires Of The Undergrowth Set To Hit Steam Toto Léto

Empires Of The Undergrowth Set To Hit Steam Toto Léto

If you are a fan of real-time strategy games and ants, I think a new and upcoming game by Slug Disco Studios named Empires of Undergrowth will be something you’ll fancy. The game is currently slated to release this Summer for PC via Steam Early Access.

Empire of the Underground is an ant colony management game that sees you as the leader over thousands of small and large insects. The game is set in a fast-paced real-time strategy style, seeing players undergo excavation tasks while growing an ever expanding ant colony.

While building underground tunnels, structures, chambers, food depots, and other essential means to keep your colony alive, a war also rages above the underground that features behemoths and giant plant life. Additionally, this means that special resources lie above the underground, but are guarded by fearsome arachnids and other types of bugs that, too, are fighting to survive.

Furthermore, nest design, army size, composition, resource management and attack timing are key to secure a victory. The named actions also help when playing as other species to explore their unique traits and weaknesses, and to help grow your pet formicarium over time — which can be done by completing missions.

Empires of Undergrowth has gone through quite a bit of changes in that graphically it does not look the same compared to when it first started, which also includes gameplay features too. Instead of showing you one of the one or two hour long gameplay videos, both the official description and a “what’s new” aktualizace videa jsou pro vaše potěšení ze sledování.

„Hra pro správu mravenčích kolonií ve stylu rychlé strategie v reálném čase. Hráč vykopává jejich hnízdo v podzemí, staví tunely a komory pro skladování potravy a chov potomstva. Na povrchu si mravenci nárokují území, shromažďují zdroje, přemáhají hrůzostrašné pavoukovce a střetávají se s jinými koloniemi.“

A playable demo (via moddb.com) and additional info sit over on the game’s hlavní webové stránky.

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