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1449420kontrola cookiesTrailer Dark Tower se vyhřívá v nadpřirozeném střelbě zbraní a apokalyptickém ničení

Trailer Dark Tower se vyhřívá v nadpřirozeném střelbě zbraní a apokalyptickém ničení

The best-selling fiction series from Stephen King called Temná věž has been turned into a feature-length film. The first full theatrical trailer for the movie has gone online, featuring Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey.

The synopsis for the film reads that Elba’s character, Roland Deschain, is trapped in an eternal battle in his world with the Man in Black (Matthew McConaughey). A young boy named Jake ends up traveling to Roland’s world and attempts to convince him to save the tower and save the billions of people on Earth.

You can check out the full length trailer below, which was posted up over on Obrázky společnosti Sony Kanál YouTube.

There are a couple of really cool scenes in the trailer, such as Idris Elba channeling Kevin Costner from Bodyguard during that scene where they were out at the cabin and he closes his eyes and tracks the killer via sound, except here Elba’s character gives a little speech about how he uses the weapons and what he uses to execute those kills.

The film has a bit of an adventure vibe to it, reminding me a little bit of the 2008 flick, Zakázané království, with the whole dimension hopping thing going on.

The Dark Tower - The Gunslinger & Jake

Anyway, it’s really hard to gauge what the movie will be like based on the trailer.

A lot of people in the comment section think Elba and McConaughey should have reversed roles. Others are confused at what point in the books the movie is based, and some are intrigued enough to wait and see how it all turns out.

It looks like it could be a decent sci-fi Western flick, and it’s not like we get a whole lot of those.

Můžete se podívat Temná věž to land in a theater near you on August 4th.

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