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1453530kontrola cookiesTrailer E3 2017: The Evil Within 2 je náročný na symboliku, ale lehký na hratelnost

Trailer E3 2017: The Evil Within 2 je náročný na symboliku, ale lehký na hratelnost

Bethesda and Tango Gameworks officially unveiled the sequel to the 2014 outing The Evil Uvnitř. The upcoming third-person action-horror game puts players back into the role of Sebastian, and this time he’s in search for his missing daughter.

Things are not quite like what they seem and players will have to journey back into the twisted distortions and horrific environments cooked up by Shinji Mikami. Much like Wolfenstein 2: Nový kolos, Zlo v rámci 2 was leaked ahead of its official unveiling.

Internet sleuths also pieced a lot of important info together to ensure that gamers were able to figure out that it was one of the two under-construction attractions on the Bethesdaland amusement park. I can’t say that the reveal trailer disappointed because it was certainly a mind trip, and you can check it out for yourself below.

The music video, avant garde-style approach to showcasing the story and imagery for the themes and pace of the upcoming third-person shooter was a unique approach.

The feedback on the trailer was relatively troll-free and was basically filled with a bunch of people who are quite excited for the upcoming game.

It wasn’t until after we get all those images and strange milky-white sequences did we finally get a look at the game itself. The tank-style controls return, but it’s also possible to have Sebastian quick-swivel in order to target enemies at his side and to his back.

We also get a short snippet of some of the weapons he’ll be using and some of the enemies he’ll be facing off against.

If you liked the deliberately paced gameplay from the original The Evil Uvnitř (which was very Japanese, by the way) you’ll probably enjoy what Mikami and the rest of the crew at Tango Gameworks have in store for the sequel.

Můžete se podívat The Evil Uvnitř to launch this October for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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