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1465690kontrola cookiesCity Of Brass, arabská tematika pro první osobu Rogue-Lite vstupuje do předběžného přístupu

City Of Brass, arabská tematika pro první osobu Rogue-Lite vstupuje do předběžného přístupu

Uppercut Games announced that their first-person, Arabian-themed, rogue-lite, adventure-platformer, Město mosazi, has officially entered into Early Access on Steam for $24.99. During the first week of being on sale the game is marked down by 20% off for only $19.99.

The game is visually distinct, apart from sharing a similar motif to Torn Banner Studios’ Mirage: Arcane Warfare. There’s a distinctly Persian atmosphere, filled with winding alleys, tall curving structures, and dungeon-style traps littered throughout.

The game is about venturing through the city to acquire unimaginable wealth and riches. The only goal? Make it in and out alive. It obviously sounds easier said than done.

You can get a look at the game in action, courtesy of GameZine, who has 14 minutes worth of gameplay footage on display.

With a whip in one hand and a scimitar in the other, players will traverse the environment using parkour, fight enemies using melee attacks, and whip the undead flesh off of anyone unlucky enough to get in your way.

The first five minutes of gameplay is essentially a tutorial, teaching you the ins and out of the mechanics before thrusting you into the city maze.

The early goings of the gameplay is simple enough; you can whip the heads of baddies to stun them, pick up objects around the environment to lob them at enemies, and then rush in for the kill with the saber.

The gameplay is hard to pin down, but it reminds me of a non-stealth version of Zloděj.

Along the way you can purchase upgrades and other aids from genies scattered throughout the environment.

The enemy types remind me a little bit of Serious Sam, insofar that they require chiefly different tactics to overcome.

Lead designer Ed Orman explains what you can expect from the Early Access rendition of the game, saying in the press release…

“The initial Early Access version already has a core experience in place: players can dive into a 12 level campaign with hours of replayability, revealing new enemies in each level, discovering gear and relics, encountering fresh traps and evolving their tactics,” “We’re in Early Access to help us balance and tune the gameplay systems, and we will steadily add more content as we approach Final Release.”

They’re expecting to keep the game in Early Access for anywhere between six months to a year. So it won’t be released in full until some time in 2018.

If you’ve been interested in a game themed around Persian culture, you can check out Město mosazi teď přes na Parní stránka obchodu.

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