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1526770kontrola cookiesFanoušci No Man’s Sky věří, že Sean Murray škádlí Aktualizace 1.4

Fanoušci No Man’s Sky věří, že Sean Murray škádlí Aktualizace 1.4

Žádný člověk má Sky proved to be both a conundrum and a hit at the same time. Although the game released back on August 9th, 2016 the game received various updates even up until October 3rd, 2017. Recently, Hello Games’ Sean Murray tweeted on his Twitter account, which is mainly Žádný člověk má Sky focused, something cryptic that fans believe hints at update 1.4.

Oznámení: All of the following Žádný člověk má Sky information may or may not be valid. Considering the cryptic acts of Hello Games and Žádná nebe člověka, the long awaited update 1.4 could be teased in Murray’s tweet, but should be taken with a grain of salt.

Žádný člověk má Sky is currently playable on PC and PS4, and gamers and fans alike still want more, based on the response fans made pertaining to a recent tweet put out by Sean Murray.

The tweet that Murray sent out on Žádný člověk má Sky Twitter coincides with Žádný člověk má Sky ARG (augmented reality game) cryptic clues. The strange tweet that has popped up out of nowhere reads “Krevetové kari"

If you want to go look up “Prawn” on your computer or mobile device and find out what this mystery is all about you can do so right now, however fans of Hello Games think that it has something to do with update 1.4.

Not delving into all of the suggestions noted on the above tweet, many hardcore fans think that this is a sign that will lead into something else regarding the next version of No Man’s Sky, since last update was two months ago — Aktualizace 1.38.

Fans suspect that another ARG type event could pop up anytime soon like the past Atlus Rises update, but there is no further evidence proving that it will show in due time.

Finally, what is known is that fans want more Žádný člověk má Sky content and even took to Steam’s review page to note this. We can also see this on the game’s review rating that has dropped from “Very Positive” to “Mostly Positive” since September to December:

No Mans Sky 1.35 2

No Mans Sky 1.4 2

It remains a mystery at this point if Murray is teasing update 1.4 through another cryptic event or if the dev team is playing around with fans?

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