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1530050kontrola cookiesOficiální herní trailer Battalion 1944 bude vysílán 9. ledna 2018

Oficiální herní trailer Battalion 1944 bude vysílán 9. ledna 2018

Bulkhead Interactive released a developer documentary talking about their upcoming prapor 1944 first-person competitive shooter. The video is five and a half minutes, with the team talking about how they’ve based the maps around real life locations in France, and have opted to craft a game that hearkens back to the classic days of PvP gaming.

Bulkhead wanted something that was both realistic and at the same time is fun.

One of their themes is focused on bringing back the pick-up-and-play mechanics from games like Call of Duty 2 or Call of Duty 4. They repeatedly use terms like “nostalgia” and “classic” as a means of hammering home that they aren’t basing this game around loot boxes, microtransactions, and supply drops.

You can check out the five and a half minute video below.

The Kickstarted project is scheduled to launch at a budget price, and is being designed for the competitive multiplayer community. In the video they talk about how a lot of the e-sports community offered their support and advice in the development of the gameplay, but they still wanted to keep a core foundation that was based on the principles of PvP gaming from previous generations.

While the video may be five minutes long it doesn’t really talk much about the actual gameplay, nor do we get to see much of it in action.

Joe Brammer, the executive producer and director at Bulkhead Interactive, talked about how the experience of working on the game helped him through the tough times of when he lost his daughter, but now he’s back focused on bringing the game to Early Access with as low a price as possible while offering as much content as possible, stating in the press release…

“In an effort to have a better relationship with our community, Battalion 1944’s run in Early Access will see it priced as a game that’s still in development, and one that requires a growing community to help design and refine it. We also really want to reward the existing community who have been behind us since the beginning, so with this approach we want to give something back to the game’s first loyal supporters.”

The dev doc ends revealing that the game’s official gameplay trailer will air next year on January 9th, 2018.

In the meantime you can keep track of development by visiting the oficiální webové stránky.

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