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1523550kontrola cookiesWasteland 2: Director's Cut je nyní k dispozici na Nintendo Switch za 29.99 $

Wasteland 2: Director's Cut je nyní k dispozici na Nintendo Switch za 29.99 $

While the big news coming out of today’s Nintendo Direct will be about the new games set to arrive in 2019 and the new characters destined to appear on the ever-expanding roster of Super Smash Bros. konečný, one little glossed over fact of today’s news wire will be that inXile Entertainment has officially launched Wasteland 2: Řez ředitele on the Nintendo Switch for $29.99.

The digital-only release is the complete edition of the original Wasteland 2, which released back in 2014 after having a very successful run on Kickstarter.

The game features the complete role-playing experience along with the additional DLC that was released.

The game puts players in a post-apocalyptic environment as a Desert Ranger, a sort of morally ambiguous peacekeeper of the land. Along the 80 hour gameplay journey you’ll encounter various teammates who will also have their own motivations and quests, as well as locations to loot, bandits to kill, and robots to demolish.

The gameplay is very much like the typical isometric, turn-based RPGs of old. You create your character using a number of traits, stats, and skill points, and then proceed out into the wild to complete the game’s main story and tons of other side-quests along the way.

Much like the original two Spad games, the isometric view allows you to explore the world in real-time just until you encounter an enemy, at which point the game transforms into a tactical turn-based strategy game where you’ll have multiple vertical levels to content with, different types of armament and weapons to compensate for, and oftentimes having to deal with being out-gunned and out-manned.

Visually, you can definitely see where inXile had to cut some serious corners with the shadow resolution, character model LODs, and the texture scaling in order for the game to run decently on the Nintendo Switch’s portable mode.

If you’re still interested in playing the game you can do so by visiting the Nintendo eShop.

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