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1559190kontrola cookiesReddit nyní může zakázat uživatelům souhlas s obsahem „porušujícím zásady“.
Industry News

Reddit nyní může zakázat uživatelům souhlas s obsahem „porušujícím zásady“.

Správci Redditu přidali ke svým pravidlům dodatek týkající se obsahu „porušujícího zásady“. Uživatelé, kteří budou důsledně hlasovat pro obsah, který porušuje zásady Redditu, budou varováni a nakonec pozastaveni nebo trvale zakázáni.

Reclaim The Net did an article about the update, which was contained in the 2019 Zpráva o transparentnosti, which was published on February 24th, 2020.

Near the bottom of the post they explained…

“When we expanded our quarantine policy, we created an appeals process for sanctioned communities. One of the goals was to “force subscribers to reconsider their behavior and incentivize moderators to make changes.” While the policy attempted to hold moderators more accountable for enforcing healthier rules and norms, it didn’t address the role that each member plays in the health of their community.


“Today, we’re making an update to address this gap: Users who consistently upvote policy-breaking content within quarantined communities will receive automated warnings, followed by further consequences like a temporary or permanent suspension. We hope this will encourage healthier behavior across these communities.”

The rules essentially enforce programmatic behavior that fits in line with authoritarian Leftist views.


Majority of Reddit is far Left, and most of the quarantined content comes from sub-reddits that don’t completely align with the Left’s totalitarianism, such as The_Donald a sub for Sargon of Akkad.

Expect the rules to continue to shift and move even further Left heading into the U.S. Primaries, and expect them to make yet another shift just before the general elections in the fall.

Reddit was always censorious but now they’re ensuring that even agreeing with views that go against their policies is potential grounds for suspension. Reddit’s Chinese masters at Tencent are probably rubbing their hands together at the thought of PRC-style censorship invading even more tech companies in the U.S.

As usual, expect the Centrists™ to come out in full force to defend or justify this level or censorship.

(Díky za zpravodajský tip Mahan IR)

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